Ever since the beginning of times, when we were mere nomads in search of basic necessities, until the present, when we walk in rectangular towers divided into apartments and we count our steps by using various apps downloaded on electronic devices, we have been and we’ll always be in a continuous, repetitive, almost rhythmic movement. As an ordinary person in the contemporary world, I rely heavily on these intelligent devices, which have the quality of representing or suggesting movement in a scientific way, but yet, my artistic side prefers to represent movement through an image. This way of representing is more stimulating, because the purpose of representing the movement may be more important than the movement itself. I often have flashbacks from a childhood that seems very far away, memories that seem stuck in a cloud from the past, in which you can rarely tell reality from imagined memories. Nevertheless, my mental space gathers together memory residues in which hands are in the foreground. Many of the hand gestures are in fact representations of common, banal movements, for example: spreading margarine on a slice of bread with a knife, washing, rinsing and squeezing the laundry in the tin basin, pulling weeds from the garden, caressing before sleep, combing hair on sleepy mornings…
Memory systems select from thousands of stimuli in the environment, and some remain coded as permanent memories in our mind, while others lose their quality of memories and pass through a filter into the real world, becoming life’s unimportant routines, but without which we couldn’t lead our existence.
This project was included in the exhibition called “be my guest – move your body show attitude” – Stadtgalerie Lehen- Salzburg, AU. 2020